PYthon Models for AGeNt-based resource GAthering (pyMANGA)
Describing vegetation population dynamics based on first principles
If you want to know more details about the project see also the recent publications:
Bathmann, J., Peters, R., Reef, R., Walther, M., Lovelock, C. E., 2021. Modelling mangrove forest structure and species composition over tidal inundation gradients: The feedback between plant water use and porewater salinity in an arid mangrove ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308-309(1650):108547
Bathmann, J., Peters, R., Naumov, D., Fischer, T., Berger, U., Walther, M., 2020. The MANgrove–GroundwAter feedback model (MANGA) – Describing belowground competition based on first principles. Ecological Modelling 11.